Oct 15, 2023Liked by Eric Mortenson

I grew up in a small west Tennessee town where the county line was pretty much the end of the earth. I had great uncles who'd never lived further than six miles from where they were born & who held onto Civil War stories passed down from their fathers. As children we did very little news watching & a lot of bible thumping. The term n-rigging only evolved into Afro Engineering & troubled children were locked up in a place called Boliver in which we were threatened with when we were bad. Stepping off that plateau into the real world took a bit of adjusting. The Silent Generation before me did not prepare me for Vietnam & hippies which ran simultaneously through my awakening period. I woke up mad & filled with resentment for what I hadn't been taught. Everyday I learn something & more importantly embrace something new. Gen X taught me a little, Millennials a little more, but Gen Z sort of dropped me off. They aren't fully formed in finding out what they believe in & struggle with issues that are non-issues to me. If we want leadership that's in a position to see a full picture we want to fast forward & look to the couple of generations in the middle.

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"Us older people?" Speak for yourself. I was born in 1961 & I'm just getting started!

I'm a bit nonplussed that you seem to fall into the easy trap of ageism, which is currently the only acceptable "ism" in our society as a whole. Yes, the world has changed since we were younguns. It does not follow that we don't have something to contribute and need to sit down & shut up. Quite frankly, the upcoming generations scare me! I look at organizations such as Turning Point USA and the Heritage Foundation. These aren't boomer relics on their last death roll; these are young, highly committed people whose philosophy of governance takes its' leaf from the Nazi obliteration of the Polish Jews. (I grew up with a survivor of Treblinka as a family friend.) I was hoping for a little more nuanced take from you.

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Joe Biden was born in 1942; therefore not a Baby Boomer. If you’re going to indulge in Boomer bashing, please select the proper targets.

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You're right that Joe is not technically a boomer, but my larger point is that us older people need to get out of the way, politically.

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