Sep 5, 2023Liked by Eric Mortenson

Thanks as always for your thoughts. I tend to agree with you, but it may be the growing up where we did that is a part of our perspective. We live in the Garden Home neighborhood, not as walkable as yours, but still delightful. And, folks who don't agree with me live down (or up) the street. This encourages me to talk to my relatives and neighbors more often, and to keep on sharing our crops, tomatoes and pears just now.

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Thank you, Marilyn. I'd settle for purple neighborhoods, blended red and blue.

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I hear you. Same here on the east side.

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Great writing as usual. I’m glad you brain is youthful. You really should be tapped for awards and an OPB EPISODE. Eric Speaks on his state and his state hood. Damn you amaze me. Thanks. Highlight of the day.

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Thanks, Bernie - that's very kind of you to say so. Oh, to have a youthful brain accompanied by youthful speed, flexibility and energy.

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A nice iced ?.? Damn it. Can’t Romberg the name 😂 Russian Mule helps. Ha!

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